Respondent name
Karen Brierly
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I am writing to strongly object to proposed plan to build 130 houses off Waterworks Lane and 1200 houses on Peel Hall.
My main concern being that the present infrastructure cannot cope with a 50%+ growth in residents. Middleton Lane and Delph Lane already struggle daily with traffic backing up, not only at rush hour, but also when there are home and local businesses deliveries. Any extra traffic will only compound this.
*The huge increase in traffic from the proposed development could affect the safety of children, elderly and all local residents.
? The local schools are at capacity for local children. Where would new families send the children?
? We moved into the area several years ago and only recently have we been able to register, as private clients, at a local dentist. We also had to wait over a year before we could register at the Culchelth Medical Centre, which covers the Winwick, Croft & the Culcheth area. Again, this is a huge concern for any, proposed, new residents coming into the area, especially as we now only have one doctor?s surgery, and not two that we had before. There is also the impact that the other major development in the area will have. They are going to affect traffic, pollution, wildlife and the area carbon footprint
? Parkside development - less than 2 miles away
? Continued expansion of the Omega site - less than 4 miles away
? Proposed development of Haydock Point. - less than 6 miles away.