Respondent name
Ian Fountain
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Objects to the level of development and lack of infrastructure in the various areas of the plan. Warrington is very constrained in terms of canal crossings and River Mersey. Housing to be delivered in South Warrington will not be affordable. Already much traffic congestion in this part of the Borough. Question the need for more warehousing facilities in Warrington. No details as to how education and health infrastructure will be funded and delivered. Level of development proposed is not in line with revised population projections.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Thelwall Heys should be left in the Green Belt, as fought hard by residents when an Inspector concluded the land should be Green Belt some years ago. What has changed? Concerns about traffic generation associated with the site and impact on wildlife. Also Grade II listed building in the centre of the site and surrounding landscape is of special character as identified in the Council's own documentation.