Respondent name
Chris Hull
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

The calculation for the overall housing requirement appears to be flawed as it is based on out of date data and a questionable methodology in terms of growth rates. This has recently been recognised by the Government and therefore will hopefully change in due course. Welcomes cross party agreement to preserve Green Belt. Should the local plan not be deferred until more accurate figures can be used? There should be a clear priority of development of brownfield land first over Green Belt release which developers will naturally favour to generate more profit. There is no mention in the local plan of the Northern Powerhouse Rail Link and the impact this will have on Warrington/development - it would seem sensible to await final details of the route before finalising the plan. The impact of the local plan on Green Belt and ecology is catastrophic. The plan does very little to promote the regeneration of Warrington town centre.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objects to the level of development and lack of infrastructure proposed to mitigate the development, in particular road infrastructure and canal crossings. Proposed infrastructure is very vague. Concerns for air quality, particularly combined with the impact of South East Warrington Employment Area. The proposals will destroy the landscape and character of individual villages.