Respondent name
Alan Broadbent
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

We wish to object to this plan as I do not believe it is sound.
Our grounds are as follows:
1. The plan does not appear to consider the effects of increased congestion in Stockton Heath, one of the routes from the new houses.
The A49 junction with Grappenhall Road in the centre of Stockton Heath is already heavily congested at several times of the day. Construction of so many houses will add considerably to this problem with the attendant issues associated with air quality.
2. An alternate route to the A49 from the proposed housing is via Lumb Brook Lane to Grappenhall Road this involves passing under The Bridgewater canal at Lumb Brook bridge. Traffic at this point is controlled by lights allowing passage under the narrow opening of the bridge in one direction at a time. There are already warning road signs about queuing traffic on this road. This proposal will add to this issue.
3. I do not agree that the use of so much greenbelt land for the local plan has fully considered all brown field sites that will become available in the next 20 years.