Respondent name
Sarah Priest
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

This local plan does not serve local communities in Warrington. The identified need is for housing for young and older people. Small flats and properties in the town centre would meet this need, and also contribute to the necessary regeneration of the town centre. Allocating green belt is not in line with this.
A climate emergency has been declared and more drastic changes to town planning will come in the wake of COP 26. Allocating green belt for development is completely contrary to this. There should be zero green belt allocated for housing until all brownfield sites have been fully developed. The proposed Six56 site appears in the local plan as a future development. This proposal is strongly opposed by Warrington residents due to potential destruction of character of local villages, the devastating effect it would have on wildlife and the chaos it would create at the already congested motorway junction. There is neither the demand for this site serving a declining industry, nor is there the appropriate justification for building on green belt. It should be removed from the local plan. Regarding the housing proposed for the Rushgreen road site, the additional traffic would only add to the heavy traffic on Rushgreen Road. This road is very narrow and not suitable for the current level of traffic and would need to be upgraded before any further building is even considered. This local plan does not serve needs of the local people of Warrington; it only serves to line the pockets of developers who will select green belt sites and build large houses to maximise profit.