Respondent name
Janette Berresford
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

As residents of Stockton Heath we are extremely concerned about how this plan will effect our village. With the proposal, the traffic on the roads, which are already congested, will become far worse and increase parking problems.
The UK has just hosted COP26, where we as a nation have signed up to reducing air pollution. The air pollution caused by this extra traffic is contradictory to what the country is trying to achieve. As OAPs, whose main form of exercise is walking and enjoying the nearby open countryside, we find it very upsetting that we will no longer be able to enjoy this pleasure to the same extent. As in the last 18 months, Covid has taught us that getting out in open spaces is beneficial to both physical and mental health. As we are getting older, the likelihood is that we may need to use the GP services more frequently. Already these services are stretched and with the added population this will make the situation even worse. This also applies to dentists, schools and shops. We realise that more housing is required, especially affordable homes, but that is not what the majority of the proposed houses will be. We feel that within the Warrington area more brown field sites could be utilised rather than taking so much of the remaining green belt. Finally we would like to express our opposition to the proposed Local Plan as it stands.