Respondent name
James Gordon Buckley
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

I say NO to the plan you are proposing as it has to meet the needs of the people of Warrington who live there. The starting point of the Local Plan, should be. ?No use of the Greenbelt' This is what Greenbelt status means. It is accepted that we need some development but there is no evidence in the plan that Warrington Borough Council have tried to look into better and less harmful ways of delivering it. These ideas South Warrington proposed were set out publicly and clearly last year. Lack of infrastructure is one of the main areas of concern. Many of the proposed houses and areas of employment, most not in the town centre, will mean a reliance on roads and bridges which are already congested. More traffic means more pollution and further congestion. The plan gives no information how health, education and transport will be handled after the developers have finished building. Is there justification of the number of proposed houses? Most recent calculations show smaller future population than has been used for the Local Plan.
The Local Plan identifies large areas of Greenbelt which will be used for development and as there is no certainty of the number of homes needed, the focus should be on using Brown Field sites. Nothing in the plan suggests using Brown Field sites. The proposal is to remove large areas of Greenbelt at M6 /M56 for large scale distribution logistics and industrial uses but what has not been established is access, transport improvements, utilities and green infrastructure This appears to be left to the developers, There is no information of the type of jobs in this area and it is concerning that these jobs will be low paid and low skilled. Thus the workers will commute to work, causing more pollution and congestion , as the houses being built in South Warrington will be very expensive and unattainable for low paid workers. I feel strongly that the proposed Local Plan will destroy the local villages and there is no need for the volume of houses or mass of employment land There is no justification for predicted growth, therefore THE PLAN IS NOT SOUND.