Respondent name
Kate Sorsby
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan does not reflect the needs of the town. This plan would vastly change the villages and countryside in south Warrington and the level of Green Belt release is not justified. The plan should commit to regeneration of brownfield sites first, particularly the in the town centre.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

No justification for release of land from Green Belt. Land comprises top quality agricultural land. Wildlife will be lost. Impact on enjoyment of Bridgewater Canal and Trans Pennine Trail. Concerns about access to the site and road congestion in the area. Flooding is also an issue in the area. Impact on heritage assets at the centre of the site.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Consultation Process
Summary of comments

The council have not adequately promoted the consultation. This consultation has occurred during a pandemic and little has been done to advertise it. Given the vast change to the landscape and villages of South Warrington, surely a letter should have been posted to residents or at the very least put some posters up in neighbourhoods advising them of the plan and giving them the opportunity to respond.