Respondent name
Christine Regan
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I object to the Council's plan to build 310 houses on the Thelwall Heys site for the following reasons:-
? There is no infrastructure in place to support this plan. Our hospitals, schools and doctors are all currently crammed to capacity and inadequate to support the extra people these houses would bring.
? Building new homes in South Warrington would exacerbate the already chronic traffic problem with no new routes across the Manchester Ship Canal currently planned. Warrington is constantly gridlocked when the M6 is blocked with traffic pouring off at Junction 20 down the A50 to cross Warrington on antiquated crossings that can no longer cope with the amount of traffic they are expected to take. All the extra cars adding to the air pollution which is against the Government's Climate Change Aspirations.
? The loss of the Green Belt is not justified. The boundary was only confirmed 7 years ago and is supposed to last for 20 years. The Green Belt is essential for people's health and mental wellbeing as was proved during the Covid 19 lockdown
? Thelwall would lose it's identity as a village and become one huge urban sprawl with Lymm and Stockton Heath. This loss of green spaces will not sustain our wildlife or reduce air pollution and may add to further flooding. The council should instead look at Brownfield sites before releasing Green Belt.
? The people of South Warrington paid premium prices for their houses so they were able to live in the Green Belt. Instead of bringing more economic growth to Warrington this will force people to move to more rural locations .