Respondent name
Joanna Metcalf
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I remain deeply troubled by the proposal to destroy green belt land and rural environment. This will have a deeply negative impact on wildlife and residents of Warrington with the destruction of this precious natural resource.
In a time when we are urged to do everything possible to preserve our planet this proposal does nothing to aid this cause. Any destruction to the natural environment must be prevented.
As many parts of Stetton, Appleton and the surrounding area already have significant development approved and in progress the increase to this as proposed in the local plan will only serve to destroy the environment further.
Increased housing will bring a huge increase of vehicles to the already congested routes in and out if the area not to mention the further detrimental effect on air quality and pollution to the environment and local residents.
Our green fields and natural historical woodlands are a precious resource enjoyed by people and essential to our wildlife. Having lived in this area all my life I have seen huge areas of green fields and open space destroyed to make way for housing in the last 30 years. So much has already gone with the developments at Grappenhall heys, dipping Brook and in Stretton alone.
Our infrastructure and services can not support the residential increase proposed and the destruction of beautiful countryside would be unforgivable.