Respondent name
Kirsty Jones
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Extensive objection send via email, but in summary:-No greenbelt can be released without an exceptional circumstance - WBC cannot exploit this loophole to meet targets.
The proposed developments do not fit the character of the area, the car dependent developments are un-necessary, unaffordable and unattractive - the general consensus is that our countryside must be preserved.
In reference to Thelwall Heys the Resident's Association was successful in gaining Greenbelt status for the area following a public inquiry in 2006.The area continues to fulfil the criteria for Greenbelt status as well as being an area of special landscape character. As the council claim there is insufficient brownfield sites to meet the town?s housing needs, why has Greenbelt land such as Thelwall Heys been identified for development?