Respondent name
Rob Oliver
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Green Belt land used unnecessarily - plan contradicts aims of 'Warrington Means Business' document through targeting of Green Belt at Thelwall Heys and within Grappenhall. Value of site not taken into account. Area is home to lots of wildlife - appropriate wildlife survey not carried out prior to release of plan. Loss of green space is at odds with current political direction and strategy at an international level. Damage to setting of listed buildings. Site previously protected from development - should be safeguarded as a priority. No justification for development taking place as an early phase of plan before brownfield sites are utilised. Damage to character and rural feel of area - negative impact on health and wellbeing of residents. Existing infrastructure is insufficient to cope with additional no. of residents - increased congestion/pollution as a result. Increased risk of flooding in area if development goes ahead.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

No exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release in South Warrington - available brownfield land should be prioritised for development. Plan for the location of greenbelt release represents a disproportionate burden for South Warrington.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan is based on outdated and inaccurate projections for housing need and population growth. Suggested amount of new housing is not sound and not the correct strategy for Warrington. Achieving aspirational economic growth is not an appropriate course for Warrington particularly based on its location between two long-established major cities - scale of proposals unrealistic and undeliverable. Local infrastructure needs not adequately addressed. Provision of land for employment will lead to increased influx of people and therefore increased demand for housing thereby exacerbating any current shortage of housing that the proposal claims to be addressing - this positive feedback loop will further exacerbate existing problems. Unjustified economic growth assumptions based on old data and ambitious assumptions - increased emphasis on warehouse developments will not lead to significant employment opportunities due to automation. More focus needed on town centre regeneration. WBC is biased towards the potential financial benefits of any plan, rather than the best interests of the community. Consultation process was not appropriate.