Respondent name
Dr Emily Wilson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Plan lacks clarity on infrastructure/service delivery. No. of new homes to be built is higher than the recent growth estimates for the town predict are necessary.

Summary of comments

Land previously granted Special Landscape Character and deemed worthy of protection - what has changed? Increased flood risk due to removal of trees, hedgerows and grassland. Previous environmental surveys suggested area is home to endangered species - site should be protected from development. Exceptional circumstances outlined in NPPF for Green Belt release are not demonstrated by the plan. Green spaces should be protected as they are vital for air quality and health and wellbeing of residents. Plan lacks clarity on infrastructure/service delivery. No. of new homes to be built is higher than the recent growth estimates for the town predict are necessary.