Respondent name
Susan Scales
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Modification if applicable

Urge WBC to arrange to declassify the London Rd section of the A49 by rerouting it along DARESBURY dual carriageway from J11 or along A50 Knutsford Rd. This would allow WBC to impose traffic controls to reduce thru traffic and heavy lorries and further encourage sustainable travel inside the Borough. Local Plan as currently drafted , needs to be amended to build in more protection in general and to be applied to specific sites before development is granted. With regard to Policy Doc 3, points 5 and 6 on page 119, and the relevant reference to Green Infrastructure (GI):-
Recommends that the definition of the GI in the Glossary (page 263) be added to as follows :- 'including mature trees and hedges on the borders of, and screening, smaller brownfield sites'.

Summary of comments

In agreement with need for more social housing both rented and for sale at affordable prices - therefore urges amendment to a more favourable formula re the Local Housing Allowance which has been skewed by recent hikes in prices. Increase in residents and therefore increase in cars is impractical - especially in light of climate change crisis. More frequent public transport needed. Opposition to unfettered development of brownfield sites - mature trees and hedgerows on these sites should be considered for protection - whilst not opposing development 'per se', protection orders should be placed in advance. The distinction between brown and green is currently too simplistic - formal clarification on definition of Brownfield needed.