Respondent name
Jane Kelham
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan does not reflect current nature and climate emergencies. Concern that housing delivered will not be affordable and will not encourage equitable development of town centre.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Evidence Base


Summary of comments

Sewage infrastructure is outdated and needs improvement to cope with increasing population. There should be an area wide sewage strategy which sits alongside and is integrated with the sustainable drainage aspirations already contained within this plan. Due to climate change the availability of water will be a more pressing concern - planning at a supra-regional level needed to direct development to where this resource is easily sourced. There also needs to be strategic planning within Warrington for water storage infrastructure to meet the needs of the existing population. This element of infrastructure has been omitted from the local plan and must be addressed.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Updated draft Warrington Plan allocates an average of 816 homes per year for the plan period. Based on the long term trend, only around 71% of these would be built, placing the borough back into the ?presumption? category. This is not acceptable. It is also noted that the housing is divided unequally over plan period. Housing numbers should not be based on standard method - numbers are unrealistic - more Green Belt than necessary has been marked for release based on these figures.