Respondent name
Nicola Baird
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan is not in keeping with aims of declared climate emergency or Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill - Green Belt release and development that encourages car use is at odds with aims to reduce carbon emissions. Housing proposals do not take into account the latest data, plan uses figures generated by standard model as a target not a starting point - justification for Green Belt release is therefore not sound. Sufficient brownfield land is available to support significant development - plan releases greenbelt immediately and will divert investment from the regeneration of the town centre and the brownfield sites around the town.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

SEWUE will create further car dependent suburbs, leading to additional congestion/pollution issues - contradictory to climate change agenda of the area. Development is unsustainable. No sufficient proposals for mass transport. Topography of area makes realistic alternative to vehicle use impossible for journeys to and from town centre or to work - not sustainable. Development would add to existing issues with air pollution - harmful to the environment, unsustainable in the context of the climate emergency.