Respondent name
Elizabeth Adam
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Pleased that new proposal reduces amount of Green Belt for release, and increases brownfield development. However, almost all of Green Belt lost will be in South Warrington area and no assurances that Green Belt will only be used when brownfield sites have been maximally utilised. No details on delivery on essential infrastructure/services - must be in place before housing developments are completed. Damage to village atmosphere in semi rural environment. Environmental impact should be considered.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Concern that essential infrastructure will not be in place before residential developments are complete. Concern that plans may cause additional congestion. Internal and external walking and cycling links and funding for bus services might improve amenity of the area for residents BUT will do nothing to reduce car use and congestion and air, noise and light pollution.