Respondent name
Glenn Cundy
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

No valid justification to change areas Green Belt status. Site is high quality agricultural land should be protected. Development against NPPF Green Belt settlement policy - site currently contributes to character of settlements and forms boundary between them - infilling area would join villages and result in loss of their independent identities. No exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release. Losing site increases possibility of complete removal of Green Belt in this location in future. Development goes against Government pledge to retain Green Belt and develop brownfield sites. Development goes against INF1 as development will add to congestion/pollution due to increased no. of car users and poor public transport links. Increased risk of road traffic accidents. Development will add to existing issues with flooding in area. Site supports vast range of flora and fauna - some endangered species (noted in 2004 environmental surveys of area). 2004 landscape appraisal identified Thelwall Heys as a landscape type worthy of special landscape character status - area was deemed to be distinctive from other surrounding areas. Site should be assessed before any development. Concerns for privacy, light levels and noise intrusion of existing residents. Impact on landscape and ambience of Trans Pennine Trail and Bridgewater Canal.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

No commitment to enhance road network or congestion hot spots - no plan to support increased housing proposed in South Warrington. Additional traffic in area will amplify existing issues. Lack of infrastructure/essential shops/parking already - significant increase to population will amplify this.