Pleased with inclusion of Fiddlers Ferry site.
No clarity on delivery of necessary infrastructure/services to support proposed growth and consequent increases in population and traffic. No clear plans detailing how existing MSC crossings will cope with additional traffic from South Warrington developments. No consideration given to increased congestion and associated air pollution issues in area.
Suggestion that thousands of extra people will need housing in the Borough because of additional jobs created is unconvincing. South Warrington - only proposed new jobs would come from SEWEA development. Jobs created there will be few in number, due to automation of warehousing facilities. In addition, these jobs are likely to be for lower skilled workers who will probably have to commute from outside the South Warrington area, since housing locally would be unaffordable. No justification for the large-scale expansion proposed.
Plan does not meet several of the criteria for the release of land from the Green Belt. Just because land is publicly owned, it is not a justification for releasing Green Belt for development. Environmental impact on loss of Green Belt not adequately assessed.
No justification for a number of the proposals in the plan, and a lack of detail on delivery, lacks detail and substance on infrastructure and is rather a wish list of possible initiatives based on less car usage and increased numbers walking/cycling to work, a new mass transit system, and greater use of public transport, with no attempt to cost or justify them. Challenges and calls into question the figures which have been used to form the basis of the updated Local Plan. Plan is too ambitious in terms of no. of new houses proposed. Growth plans seem to be driven by new housing creating economic benefit instead of the other way around, and no account has been taken of developments in Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Chester where currently significant numbers of people commute for work, shopping and leisure.