Respondent name
Claire Broadhurst
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

No justification for predicted growth - forecasts based on a rate of development not achieved before and seem to be driven by new housing. No detail on how plan will aid regeneration of town centre or preserve character/identity of area. No clarity on how already poor transport infrastructure in South Warrington will cope with increased volumes of traffic due to additional housing. Congestion on route from South Warrington into town centre deters residents from visiting town centre, leading many to commute out of the area for work and shopping - plan does not address this. No need for volume of housing or scale of employment land. Warehouse facilities will provide limited employment opportunities due to automation. Poor transport links in South Warrington will increase vehicle reliance. Infrastructure/services already overstretched and will be unable to cope with increased population. No justification for scale of Green Belt release. Consultation on plan has not been adequate.