Respondent name
J Freeman
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Green Belt land should be preserved for wellbeing of residents. Scale of Green Belt release proposed is excessive in light of no. of available brownfield sites. WBC are unable to demonstrate exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release. No thought given to updating brownfield register.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Required no. of homes calculation is not based on a post pandemic town/culture and does not serve economic growth of area. Questions whether removal of Green Belt for housing is based on gaining city status. Plan has been compiled by consultancies that are focused on a pure business case, not a holistic approach to substantiate the social and environmental drivers behind the community. Development in South Warrington will add significantly to congestion/pollution. Plan is illogical in light of COP26. No consideration given for ecological and environmental impact of development - plan is damaging to quality of life. A lack of affordable housing will be provided. Plan has greater focus on land development than community and environment.