Respondent name
Melanie Wood
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Concerns regarding the scale of Green Belt release, particularly in South Warrington. Concerns about the Green Belt release proposed for employment around Appleton. Developers should be required to plant more trees and install green energy measures. The plan will be damaging to both wildlife and public health. Destruction of Green Belt should be spread more evenly around the Borough. Exceptional circumstances for the development of Green Belt have not been demonstrated. Focus instead should be on regeneration. Reconises the need for new homes but not to the extent identified in the town centre (Latchford) or south Warrington. Infrastructure cannot sustain the population increase proposed - in particular the hospital. Concerns regarding the impact of the plan on Air Quality which is already poor. Areas like Latchford do not have good access to existing facilities (leisure hubs), more needed in town centre and surrounding areas. Concern about increased traffic the plan will bring and the impact on various bridges. Fiddlers Ferry site is a prime site for employment development. Icreased congestion on motorways will cause more congestion through Warrington town centre.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Concerns about the levels of Green Belt release proposed around Appleton for employment use. Impact on land absorption and flooding will be unacceptable. Impact on road capacity and infrastructure, traffic and pollution concerning. Particularly the impact on roads through Latchford.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Support for identified need for varied and spacious properties. Support for affordable properties. Planting and garden spaces should be included in all properties no matter the size, important for well-being.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Support for the protection of Green Spaces and the Trans Pennine Trail but need more cycle provsion and incentives.