Respondent name
Matt Griffin
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Plan does not address chronically overloaded road system in South Warrington. Limited contributions to road network just links areas within hinterland bounded by The Bridgewater Canal, the M6, the M56 and London Road rather than addressing congestion issues. Suggests other proposals are poor and those preparing the plan have not understood the current issues facing the road network. Separation of SEWUE from town centre is exacerbated by lack of new waterway crossings. Western Link will do nothing for congestion, questions whether business case is sound now. Plan fails with the release of Green Belt to support economy of town. Plan will increase pollution levels. Plan releases Green Belt immediately and will divert investment from the regeneration of the town centre and the brownfield sites around the town. Fails to grasp the opportunities and challenges of the 21st-century. No provision for infrastructure to support proposed development. Proposes wrong homes in wrong places and encourages urban sprawl. Will create material harm to the visual and residential amenity of those living in South Warrington's villages. No exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release - unsustainable in light of climate crisis.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Six56 employment area increases congestion. Employment opportunities should be created closer to sustainable transport links.