Respondent name
Richard Buttrey
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Proposed plan is not consistent will NPPF 2021 - SEWUE fails to meet soundness test. Plan is not an appropriate strategy and does not recognise reasonable alternatives. No exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release - brownfield sites should be used as a priority. Plan fails to ?protect and enhance valued landscapes, sites of biodiversity and fails
to ?minimise impacts on and provide net gains for biodiversity? contrary to NPPF. Concern for environmental/ecological damage to Lumb Brook Valley. Plan does not take into account significant developments in South Warrington in recent years. Housing figure is far too high. Environmental/ecological impact of large scale development not assessed. Consideration needed for quality of life of residents. Plan contradicts UK climate change mitigation efforts. Lack of affordable housing proposed. Developments will not aid town centre regeneration. No sufficient infrastructure detailed in plan - current infrastructure cannot sustain further development. Plan lacks provision for mitigating congestion. Urban sprawl should be avoided to maintain distinct character of South Warrington villages. Plan is not justified or deliverable and does not meet the areas assessed needs.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Plan for SEWUE ignores earlier objections from Woodland Trust. Siting and scale of development will destroy character of area. Development will amplify existing issues with air pollution.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Siting and scale of development will destroy character of area. Questions how many jobs will actually be created due to increasing automation.