Respondent name
Ruth Collier
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Ecological and environmental impact of the loss of Green Belt has not been properly assessed and the boundaries confirmed 7 years ago were intended to last for 20 years. Inappropriate to consider Green Belt release without first exhausting brownfield sites. South Warrington disproportionately targeted for Green Belt release.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Previously deemed unsuitable for development - questions what has changed. Site floods regularly, questions why nothing has been included in plan to resolve this. Bats in the area are protected by law. No detail on site access and no consideration for impact on local residents. Social infrastructure is insufficient to cope with influx of additional residents.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Questions what is being done to tackle air pollution for future generations. No infrastructure plan to manage impact of additional housing. Increased vehicle reliance is contrary to UK climate change mitigation aspirations. Plan relies on swing bridges which are already inadequate. No detail provided to support how plan will preserve character of Warrington. Without full detail of plans for roads and accessibility of South Warrington residents attempting to travel into town, the plan cannot be fully understood or judged properly. Housing numbers are unrealistic. No justification for predicted growth.