Respondent name
Dr Amelia Webber
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Suggest reverting to the Green Belt boundaries proposed in the Adopted Local Plan 2014; this seems to offer a clear boundary with adequate open green space between the separate areas of Appleton, Grappenhall, Appleton Thorn, Wrights Green and Stretton to keep the areas distinct, avoid sprawl and to maintain the special significance and setting of these historic. If this was not possible then the minimum we would expect is to maintain the Green Belt in the area of Wrights Green and its immediate surroundings; specifically between Wrights Green and Dood?s Brook/Dingle Brook, between Wrights Green and Grappenhall Heys and The Gorse, and between Wrights Green and Green Lane to Appleton Thorn.

Summary of comments

Removal of Wrights Green from Green Belt - opposes fundamental aim of Green Belt policy - urban sprawl will not be prevented. Plan is in conflict with 4/5 purposes of Green Belt as stated in NPPF. Removing this land from the Green Belt will merge local areas which have different characteristics into one large built-up area. Green space around Wrights Green is important for the health and wellbeing of residents; by removing it from the Green Belt, WBC is failing to safeguard the countryside from encroachment. Concern for damage to setting of listed buildings within the area. No exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release. The new proposed boundaries of the Green Belt in the plan are not clearly defined and do not use physical features that are readily recognisable and likely to be permanent.