Respondent name
Natasha Holdsworth
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Draft Transport Plan has no substance, lacks clarity on delivery and funding details. Western Link is not likely to help - brings traffic to existing bottlenecks and adds more congestion to people avoiding toll roads on Mersey Gate crossings, also no clear analysis on how route will impact Walton/Chester roads. Consultation process not sound, as all sessions took place at the Halliwell Jones stadium north of waterways, despite the vast majority of the Green Belt development being proposed for south of these water barriers. Case not made for growth that is driving increased housing no. in plan - projected growth exceeds current rate of population increase. Case made for Green Belt release is not sound. Priority of the Council should be renewal of the town centre and the development of brownfield sites, not Green Belt release. Green Belt development is not in line with declared climate emergency. Plan fails to address overloaded road system in South Warrington. Plan fails to support economy of the town - diverts investment from town centre. Plan will add to existing air pollution issues. The lack of sustainability of the plan is highlighted by the development of more warehousing facilities on greenbelt land - plan fails to understand potential scale for automation therefore the predicted jobs growth is unrealistic. Plan negatively impacts quality of life of residents.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

SEWUE will create car-dependent suburbs, leading to increased congestion/pollution and negatively impacting climate change agenda. No provision for any form of mass transport other than the motor-vehicle and vague promises of public transport systems. The topography of the area that is ear marked for SEWUE makes a realistic alternative to the car almost impossible for journeys to and from the town or journeys to work. Lack of facilities and public transport proposed for area - stranding those who are potentially less well off in areas without accessible facilities to support their needs.