Respondent name
Sally Chisholm
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan lacks reliable information on delivery and funding for new infrastructure. Currently the plan increases reliance on roads and bridges that are already overstretched. Plan will increase congestion/pollution. Plan provides limited information on delivery of social infrastructure. Plan cannot be justified due to the significant uncertainties about how infrastructure will be funded or when it will be developed in relation to any of the Planned developments. Predicted growth cannot be justified. Numbers for new housing in the Plan are unsound as they cannot be justified and have failed to demonstrate assessed needs. The Plan also fails to recognise that the numbers proposed to be built per annum are higher than has ever been built before questioning the deliverability of the Plan. Green Belt release is unjustified. Plan fails to support delivery of WBC's Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Site has Special Landscape Character Status - plan makes no case for removing status. There are historic restrictive covenants relating to Thelwall Heys that preclude development and that there is not clarity that these have been removed. Current land owner has entered into agreement with a developer which are time bound and which will reduce payments to the land owner if development is not started within the next 2-3 years. Questions if this is reason for site inclusion in plan. Access to site would pose a safety concern. Flooding already an issue in area - development would increase flood risk. Area is prime agricultural land and should be protected. Development of site would result in loss of ecology. Area contributes to health and wellbeing of residents - rural character of area will be lost.