Respondent name
Clive Messer
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Consultation process not sound. Case has not been made for growth that is driving the increased housing numbers - ONS data predicts significantly lower growth. Case made for Green Belt release is not sound. Plan suggests there is sufficient brownfield land to support a 14 1/2 year building program. On this basis there is no need to release any Green Belt until sometime well beyond the first decade of this plan. Greater focus needed on regeneration of town centre. Green Belt release and creation of more car dependent suburbs - not in line with declared climate emergency. Plan fails to address overloaded road system in South Warrington. Plan fails to support economy of town centre by immediately releasing Green Belt and diverting investment from town centre. Plan proposes wrong homes in wrong places. Development will increase air pollution. Lack of sustainability in plan. No exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The lack of facilities and public transport will have the effect of stranding those who are potentially less well off in areas without accessible facilities to support their needs. The plan fails to locate those who need services most in the locations close to the town centre where services are available without the requirement for travel by car. No guarantee that essential infrastructure to support development will be delivered. Plan creates urban sprawl. Plan is damaging to visual amenity of the area.