Respondent name
Anne Devaux
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan is based on unrealistic and exaggerated Housing & Employment land needs and Economic growth forecasts. - The housing needs forecasted are based on outdated figures from 2014, not the more recent 2018 figures which show that a lower number are actually required. The employment land forecast calculations appear to be based on the land released at Omega ? a huge and exceptional development in North Warrington - which skews the annual need. The majority of development is proposed on Green Belt land that is good quality agricultural land.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

To access the town centre or train stations, residents of the new South East Warrington Urban area will need to use cars, which will add to car use across the town and the already overstretched Bridgewater & Manchester Ship canals crossings. Warrington?s already poor Air Quality will be further impacted by the planned development in this area. Additional environmental considerations do not appear to have been factored in /taken into account.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

The Local Plan fails to incorporate the necessary transport infrastructure improvements required to deliver this plan, let alone overcome the existing issues. The existing Ship Canal and Bridgewater Canal crossings are already overstretched. There is reference to the ?Western Link? planned further to the West but this is not guaranteed ? and its future is looking increasingly doubtful due to cost challenges and the removal of Port Warrington & the South Western Urban Expansion from the plans.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The 137 ha of employment land proposed for release in the South of the Borough is primarily for logistic purposes and no exceptional circumstances have been demonstrated to release it from the Green Belt. There is not sufficient evidence to demonstrate that all Brownfield sites have been fully considered and will be exhausted, before releasing and developing Green Belt land.