Respondent name
Stephen Taylor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Consultation Process
Summary of comments

The public consultation process has been woefully inadequate and the council has failed to meet its? statutory obligations. From my understating, the Council only engaged with 0.1% of the residents in the town; this represents a substantial failing in public engagement.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

The plan fails to meet many requirements of the NPPF, and fails to demonstrate sound economic, social and environmental justification for the plan as it stands. It also fails to demonstrate exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release. The South East employment area proposal ironically leads to a flawed justification for destroying even more green belt. The increased employment on this area is further used to justify many of the 2400 homes and further 1800 homes on green belt which the plan highlights a need for; a need for which there is little justification. A major flaw in the plan, is the lack of appreciation around how people in South Warrington are employed. Many residents work across the North West Region and have a consequent reliance on personal (car) transport. The content of LTP4 will fail to deliver the change in transport behaviour that it hopes for as LTP4 is predicated on travel to and from the Town Centre. The Plan also fails to recognise constraints on access from the south to the Town Centre over the Ship Canal, River Mersey and Bridgewater Canal. The Plan should use 2018 data and not 2014 data for the Plan to be meaningful. The plan has insufficiently considered all the aspect of Town Centre regeneration given the changing shopping and leisure habits across the nation and Warrington is not different from this.