Respondent name
Sheila Quirk
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1. All new houses built will have off road parking facilities for 2 cars per household.
2. Public Open spaces funding to be provided for the existing parks in Lymm including the kids areas of parks at Star Lane, Grundy Ridgeway and Sandy Lane. After heavy rain these can be unattractive and often equipment is not functioning. These parks need to have upgraded play equipment, adequate future maintenance funding and providing suitable equipment for disabled children. And preferably with car parking for Grundy Ridgeway Park. This funding is to be extra to any nominal play areas included in the new housing areas. If we want a lower carbon environment locally we need to provide outdoor equipment of a better standard.
3. As part of the 106 requirements, Toilet facilities and lighting to be provided at the refurbed parks.
4. Financial contributions should be made to Improvements to major footpaths throughout Lymm. The towpaths from Lymm to Oughtrington and towards Grappenhall needs grit or other hard surfacing. A footpath and footbridge from the Tanyards Farm development to the towpath and then over the canal to one of the side roads or paths connecting with Pepper Street and Longbutts Lane would reduce school time traffic from Heatley to Ravenbank and Lymm High Schools.