Respondent name
Deborah Willacy
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Land owners have tried for years to sell the land for development of which people
have rejected for very good reason so what?s changed that now.
*the plans shown do not reflect the reality *looking at the plans it does not show buildings that have since being erected Sainsbury's being one of those.
*what has happened to the ruling around protecting green belt land *what has happened to the lymm design statement which was created by locals for the locals *what?s happening to poorly / degraded roadways and infrastructure *what?s happened to resolving flooding issues before adding additional building and not addressing what?s already a problem
* what?s happened to protecting village identity and not a merger of different villages *I understand that there is no legal or justification requirements for building additional homes.
*has there been a study to identify the climate impact of additional infrastructure being built *we already suffer poor transport for connecting villages *merging doctors surgeries will only cause more issues, access, parking, causing people to drive more due to the relocation of the surgery. Older people or people with disabilities will be greatly affected by this.
*grass is far nicer than concrete and all you are doing is creating a concrete jungle.
*we have all seen how plans are not adhered to look at the massive houses opposite the Grammar school and not affordable houses that was originally promised.
*look at the two houses at the end of pepper street on the caravan park. Those houses we?re supposed to be for the land owners family why are they now up for sale no sign of the family living there.
*congestion is a key issues which also impacts air pollution *rather than building large industrial buildings alongside the motor way why not build houses there *what about buildings that could be converted into houses rather than office blocks that are not required.
*Noise pollution is a concern I developed tinnitus and put that down to the building of the houses behind Sainsbury's the constant beeping of the machinery was so loud I am surprised people didn?t go mad.
*impact on wildlife is a concern
*I moved to lymm because I liked the village and being in a semi rural setting not a concrete jungle with limited amenities and now increasing pollution.