Respondent name
Norman Bird
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

? There is no way in the current national / global environmental climate (COP 26 etc.) we should be using first grade Cheshire farmland and countryside for housing and other developments. Future generations will criticise this development for being ill conceived and not in keeping with the real situation we now face and extending the 'greed' for greenfield land that is at the root of all our problems here
? There are plenty of alternative brownfield options in Warrington and its surrounds
? I have lived in the area for forty years and the road system fundamentally doesn't work now (never mind adding all the proposed development in your plan to this too) - I have seen articulated trailers stuck on humpback bridges, bridge strikes and other accidents and lots of near misses involving increased use of a rural road infrastructure that just isn't wide enough. As per usual with all private funded developments, infrastructure is not capable and is last to be funded. Appleton Thorn to Warrington has become a rat run through housing estates that have 20 mph speed limits but where many think 40 is the norm!
? Loss of habitats, wildlife from the area - deer, hares, badgers, foxes, bats, owls, herons also unusual fungi, etc. have all been spotted in the area and their habitats are being wrecked yet again by greedy builders and the use of land compulsory gained by the state (Warrington new town, English partnerships etc.) for commercial gain.