Infrastructure considered in LTP4 is a 'wish list' and has no substance.
Economic growth targets set by those with vested interest in overstating predictions. Official figures predict much slower growth than that detailed in the plan - no justification for such forecasts in predicting housing need. Employment land is not backed by any meaningful strategy. No. of homes proposed is well beyond Government targets.
Scale of development will destroy character and distinctiveness of a number of villages. Lacks development plan for town centre which could ease pressure on development elsewhere. Plan lacks detail on funding and delivery of essential infrastructure to support development. No coherent plan to address existing traffic issues. WWL will not alleviate congestion issues.
The simple and most effective solution is to use M56 J10 Stretton Fox exit, the old A559 Northwich Road exit as suggested previously. Monies have been identified in the Infrastructure Development Plan for various A49 and local road upgrades and many of these unnecessary roadworks should be abandoned and the monies diverted to this simpler and more effective solution.
Proposal is flawed and unsound - Cat & Lion junction is problematic. However, not suitable to employ an ill-conceived work around that presents increased potential for traffic congestion and restricts traffic accessing Stretton village facilities, introduces safety issues for emergency services accessing residents. Does not take into consideration local residents. It is against many important ecological and environmental principles and guidance.
Clause 27
Plan is unsound and undeliverable - does not meet criteria for Green Belt release. Environmental and ecological impact of loss of Green Belt has not been adequately assessed. Boundary was only confirmed 7 years ago in plan for following 20 years. Green Belt release disproportionately affects South Warrington. Greater focus needed on brownfield regeneration as a priority.