Respondent name
Sheila Millet
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The development of this huge amount of housing is not sustainable, particularly in terms of the road infrastructure. There are no proposals to improve the infrastructure which is already under great pressure and the proposed increase in housing will inevitably lead to even greater pressure on the road network which at present is heavily dependant on 3 Victorian swing bridges and many small, country roads.

Further, the green belt should not be designated for housing when there are brownfield sites coming on line. However it is no coincidence that houses built on the desirable greenfield sites to the south of Warrington will bring a much higher price than those built on brownfield sites, which may be a significant factor in the council?s proposals. The period of 18 years set by the council for this development is too far to plan ahead , particularly as the very high figure the Council has set for new housing needs is not supported by evidence.