Respondent name
Fiona McDougall
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Plan is unsound and will totally change the character of the Villages in this area creating one big area of sprawl through developing Green Belt land. There are no Exceptional Circumstances, brownfield land should be fully explored first, and the number of homes proposed in the south verses other areas of the Borough is disproportionate. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of green space to people's mental health and development will see all this lost. Road Infrastructure in this area is inadequate and not enough provision is made within the Plan to address this in the south east. Details relating to social infrastructure provision are also lacking in the Plan.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Development here planned on Green Belt when acres of employment land and buildings are available across Warrington. This development will not bring the jobs promised and will ruin the landscape. What it will bring is traffic congestion and pollution in an already congested area. It has already been proven that Children have died as a result of air pollution and yet the Plan will generate increased levels of pollution from thousands of extra lorries arriving and departing the proposed development.