Respondent name
Zoe Coxon
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There has not been adequate explanation of how the plan will address the increase of traffic which will be as a result of the implementation of the plan. The current infrastructure cannot support the inevitable increase. In fact the council are refusing to even consider current problems of traffic volume and speed causing problems on the local roads. Let alone proved how they will manage an increase.
There has been no justification for the predicted growth if the area to warrant such a development.
There is certainly no justification for the use of greenbelt in the area when existing brown belt has not been utilised.
The development goes against the local plan for Grappenhall village. And will create extra traffic and loss of amenity to a conservation and protected area.
The air quality in the area is already poor with no plans of how this will be improved and let alone any consideration to how this will be further impacted by an increase in traffic in the area.