Respondent name
Rhoma Bogg
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

? The flawed vision for supporting the continued growth of Warrington?s economy and making Warrington a more attractive place to live and work.
? The destruction of the character and distinctive nature of South Warrington with the proposal of a minimum of 4200 new homes in Grappenhall, Appleton, Appleton Thorn and Stretton.
? The impact of the destruction of building on Green Belt land. Green Belt land should be a last resort strategy and only when we have exhausted all other land in our district. Urban sprawl is the biggest threat to climate change, sprawl is low density, and it is resource hungry and an inefficient use of land.
? As a mother of two sons, I have full sympathy with young people who cannot afford to buy a house, however there is no justification that increasing supply will lower house prices, the housing crisis will not be resolved by building on Green Belt land.
? Priority should be for the regeneration of the town centre and Brownfield sites. Brownfield land is a renewable source, the Green Belt is not, and we are not running out of brownfield land anytime soon.
? The local plan should concentrate on the regeneration of Warrington starting at the centre, if the local economy doesn?t prosper, no one will be able to afford a house. Agriculture, factories and business centres must all be considered.
? Physical connectivity is also critical via integrated green transport ? trams, trains and bus services, decreasing the reliance on cars thereby reducing congestion and pollutants, providing an increase in air quality and hence a healthier environment for education, work and retirement ? for all ages.
? Lack of necessary ecological, transport and air quality surveys that would have informed a robust and sustainable plan.
? The inadequacy of the consultation process, and subsequent gross misinterpretation of the results.