Respondent name
David Robinson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

First and foremost, the plan seeks to destroy a large area of green belt land in one of the most aesthetically pleasing areas of Warrington. Existing brown field sites in Warrington should be exhausted before the beauty of its surrounding villages, the jewels in its crown, is disturbed. The town should be the custodians that protect and preserve the charming Cheshire countryside.
At a time when the town should be seeking to address global warming, the plan will exacerbate the climate crisis; local air quality will be adversely affected due to the development and increased congestion.
The number of houses being proposed would more than double the size of the village, putting increased and unsustainable pressure on local infrastructure while irreversibly damaging the social fabric.
The plans will do nothing to boost Warrington as a town because most of the new residents will have no connection to it. They will be mere dispassionate commuters.