Respondent name
Clare Pratt
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I am emailing to express my objection to the current local plan you are proposing.
As a resident of South Warrington, I have recently become extremely aware of the traffic issues any further development to the South of Warrington will cause. The closure of the bridge under the canal on Lumb Brook Road temporarily from last week has caused chaos, considerably increased my commute time into Warrington and increased traffic congestion through and already gridlocked area, Stockton Heath village centre. This will add to air pollution levels. Due to the fact that there are limited points at which the canals in Warrington can be crossed, building of new housing and commercial property to the south of the town is just not feasible without first addressing this issue. I feel this issue has not been addressed satisfactorily.
I feel the consultation process has not been sufficient. There have been no events held in the south of the town, yet this is the area most affected.
The plan involves sacrificing large areas of green belt land. I am aware that Warrington has brownfield sites that should be utilised first. With the impact of covid, Brexit, the current climate emergency and general population changes, it is impossible to predict the needs for housing in the future and I feel it would be much more appropriate to develop brownfield sites first, allowing time to thoroughly asses the implications on housing need the above may have. Why sacrifice our greenbelt before it is absolutely necessary, it may never become necessary. I can not see the circumstance that justifies the sacrifice of Green belt land, and it is my understanding that green belt should only be sacrificed in exceptional circumstance.