Respondent name
Martin Jones
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Level of development is overstated and does not considered most up to date data. Brownfield sites such as Fiddlers Ferry should be utilised. Warrington has poor air quality. Concerns about genuinely affordable housing - shared ownership schemes are not the answer. The needs of Warrington people must be met. Lymm is too congested for more development, as is south Warrington more generally. Western Link will create more traffic. Warrington Hospital not considered in the plan. North Warrington has been overdeveloped - loss of green space at Peel Hall not acceptable. Green Belt is not being respected. Too much logistics and HGV movements.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Consultation Process
Summary of comments

Complete failure to engage properly with local people. Quality of documents is poor.