Respondent name
Patrick Mullee
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I wish to object to the Local plan on the grounds that our village must be the most polluted part of Warrington. The continual congestion in and around all our streets is horrendous every time the traffic builds up the A49 HGV's and motorists start to use our streets as a rat run to avoid Stockton Heath. I am also a cyclist and every time I venture out I put my life on the line due to traffic parking on double yellow lines ,zig zags at the crossings and on double white lines all of whom are either picking up or delivering fast food. The proposed plan would be catastrophic for South Warrington with increased traffic, people and a total lack of infrastructure i.e. doctors outlying shopping and a complete lack of leisure facilities of which most of the programs running in Warrington are not allowed in the south and most of all the abysmal public transport to the outlying areas. In the last 2 weeks we have had the COPS conference where world leaders were being urged to save the green belt to prevent any further global warming. Yet Warrington just plan the wholesale destruction of our lungs of the town what's left of it. Where are all these people be coming from to fill all these developments ? .I strongly object to this development plan.