Respondent name
John McDermott
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There is no clarity over the delivery of the necessary infrastructure to support the planned growth in housing and consequent increases in population and traffic. It is not at all clear when, and indeed if, the necessary new roads, schools, medical facilities, local shopping centres and a new household waste management site would be provided to support the planned growth. Successful growth is dependent on a sound transport plan, particularly given that South Warrington already suffers from serious congestion problems, notably due to geographic constraints associated with problems crossing the Manchester Ship Canal (MSC), River Mersey and Bridgewater Canal, and accessing the M56 at Junction 10 and the M6/M56 at the Lymm junction. The updated Local Plan (2021) has no real substance and details, but is rather a wish list of possible initiatives based on less car usage and increased numbers walking/cycling to work, a new mass transit system, and greater use of public transport, with no serious attempt to cost or justify them. There are no clear plans detailing how the existing MSC crossings can be expected to handle the vast majority of the hundreds of thousands of extra road journeys each year between South Warrington and the town centre, which would result from the proposals. There are no proposals in the revised Plan to build any new crossings over the Bridgewater Canal, so substantially increased volumes of traffic would still be funnelled along the existing road network in South Warrington, primarily through the centre of Stockton Heath, Latchford and Lymm. Nor has any serious thought been given to the impact on air quality impact and climate change agenda. Job proposed at SEWEA are a mismatch to the houses/residents - low skilled jobs. No justification for GB release and brownfield sites should be prioritised. Plan is far too ambitious and number of houses proposed not achievable or realistic.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

No evidence or economic strategy to back up the need for development of this site for the employment uses proposed. Jobs will be lower skilled. The growth plan is driven by new housing and not the other way round.