Respondent name
Colin Smallman
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

The plan does not take account of latest data and therefore over estimates the amount of housing development required. Brownfield land should be prioritised for development over Green Belt release, the plan currently fails to do this and developers will go for GB sites first contrary to plans to regenerate the town centre. The plan has no regard for the climate emergency declared by the Council.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The South East Urban Extension is separated from the town centre with lack of crossings over the various watercourses. The Western Link will do nothing for congestion in south east Warrington. The local plan for the South East Urban Extension is not sound, in that it creates a minimum of 4200 homes of which approximately 850 will be for rent - more affordable homes are needed close to the town centre. The lack of facilities and public transport will have the effect of stranding those who are potentially less well off in areas without accessible facilities to support their needs. The plan fails to locate those who need services most in the locations close to the town centre where services are available without the requirement for travel by car. South Warrington will be impacted by air pollution as a result of the development proposed. Individual villages will be merged. No exceptional circumstances to justify Green Belt release.