Respondent name
Wendy Bate
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The policy I wish to object to in particular is the proposal to take 580 ha out of the Greenbelt in order to build 2,400 new homes. This proposal will have a major effect on the countryside to the south of Warrington, which is an important asset to the people of Warrington and the surrounding areas. It is not only an important area for recreation, and therefore the overall health of local people, but it is also of considerable importance for wildlife, something which in these times of climate emergency should be given high importance.
There is also the very real issue of the lack of any sustainable plan for the road infrastructure which will be needed to serve this massive increase in housing stock. The road system to the south of Warrington is already under great pressure. With increased housing and increased vehicles it simply will not be able to cope.
I also wish to object on the grounds that Greenfield sites should not be used for housing when there are brownfield available or will become available. The proposal to take 580ha out of greenbelt is simply not acceptable. I believe that the very high figure set by the Council for new housing needs is not supported by current evidence.