Respondent name
Mark Dale
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objects to allocation of SEWEA. Langtree has a close relationship with the Council and question the impartiality of the Council in the allocation. Object to Green Belt release in this area. Highways England has concerns about lack of modelling and assessment. Jobs created will be low skilled, question longevity and will not match with new houses being built. Concerns about lorry congestion and pollution. Abundance of similar developments in the area. Brownfield sites should be prioritised, in particular Fiddlers Ferry. Cycle and pedestrian routes to the site are pointless. No solid improvements proposed to roads and proposals will cause chaos. Concerned for loss of green space and impact on wildlife. Biodiversity net gain aims are laughable.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objects to development at SEWUE. Development south of the ship canal will have an unacceptable impact due to infrastructure constraints ? in particular additional crossing over the ship canal. The local plan must address this and include full funding sources to demonstrate that development south of the ship canal are viable.