Respondent name
Elisabeth Yates-Finney
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

I am writing with my objections to the proposed Local Plan.
The building of the number of houses proposed in south Warrington will lead to the destruction of green belt land (which is already being used in areas of Grappenhall to provide land for housing). There appears to be no consideration to using brown belt land in other areas to provide a place for these houses.
There is no proposal to improve current public transport in the town, in fact bus routes in particular are being reduced rather than improved. Since the houses are out of the town centre (with no train links and fewer buses than ever) the number of cars on the roads will increase exponentially. The roads in south Warrington are already congested, an increase in cars will further impact on this problem and reliance on the unreliable Victorian swing bridges that are used to cross the ship canal will not help this.
The increase in cars and freight (from the proposed development at Appleton), will have a serious environmental impact in a time when we need to be reducing our reliance on cars and the pollution they cause. Air pollution from road traffic is known to have a detrimental affect on the health of children in particular. And an increase in road usage goes against the government?s climate change plans. The destruction of green belt land has obvious environmental impact too.
The plan will also impact local infrastructure including schools/doctors surgeries/Warrington hospital which are already at capacity.