Respondent name
Selena Bealing
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

? I don?t understand how the volumes of new homes has been established since the numbers proposed are higher than recent growth estimates for the town, and are higher than have been built previously.
? Brownfield sites should be prioritised for development BEFORE any development of greenbelt ? for both housing and commercial uses.
? Local infrastructure in south Warrington is already under significant pressure. Transport, health services and education are all under pressure which directly impacts all those who live in the area. Before any further development is undertaken, all of these should be planned and in place. I was involved in the development of health services in Chapelford and would like to highlight that the GP services took many years to get in place; in South Warrington it is already almost impossible to access a GP unless for something urgent. These services are essential to attracting people to want to live and work in Warrington ? and are just as important as the plans about how many houses and where.