Respondent name
Michael Regan
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I'm writing to express my objection to the proposed building of more than 300 houses on this part of the green belt. Firstly I feel that wherever possible this feature of our countryside should be strongly protected as once lost will never be restored. Other options should be considered such as brownfield sites even if these pose more difficulty and cost to develop.
As to Thelwall Heys the loss would not only lose good quality agricultural land but a loss of valuable CO2 absorbing plants and drainage especially in potential flood conditions which are now more prevalent.
In its present state this area is part of a well frequented local leisure amenity which would be detracted from by the presence of the hosing.
Should these homes be built, where would their occupants be employed? To the north of the canal? And how would the get there? Access to the A50 would be hazardous on what has become a fast rat run from the M6,and what would the situation be on occasions when a blockage on the motorway diverts everything on to the A50?Equally difficult would be access to the A56.
As to the healthcare of these potential new residents could the existing NHS services cope with the extra burden?
In the 50 or so years since I came to the area I have seen many changes to our town and many of them have not been improvements so please take care of the pleasant areas surrounding it.